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Hunting for Beer | Spiele | Call of Duty
Autor OpenWarfare 1.4.0.BETA1 für CoD:WW

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Beiträge: 1193
Ort: 92439
Eingetreten: 13.05.07
Eingetragen um 04-12-2008 14:57
Die OpenWarfare Mod wurde gestern in der Version 1.4.0.BETA1 für Call of Duty: World at War veröffentlicht. Diese Mod enthält sehr viele Features, die ihr alle im Klapptext findet. Zu den Features zählt auch ein neuer Spielmodus, der sich "Capture and Hold" (CH) nennt. Dieser Modus funktioniert auf allen Maps, die auch den Modus "Sabotage" unterstützen.
Leider gibt es die Mod bisher nur in englischer Sprache, was wohl an dem Beta-Status liegen dürfte.

Feature list:
Mehr Details

- New gametype "Capture and Hold" (CH) that works with any map that supports Sabotage.
- Implementation of a code to prevent players from getting killed by spectators' grenades.
- Option to limit the amount of Satchels or Bettys that each team can plant and have active at the same time.
- Ability to enable "dog tags" where you can see whose body is the one laying on the floor.
- Increased the range of all the sniper rifles using their default scopes (not Acogs).
- Option to force the use of initial spawns in Team Deathmatch to ensure players spawn in the correct side in sniper-type maps.
- New implementation for Big Brother Bot functionality.
- New anti-camping feature to prevent players from staying in the same spot for certain amount of time. Option allows for snipers to be exempt from this functionality.
- Option to enable health packs that will be dropped by players when dying.
- Ability to black out the player's screen when dying.
- Ability to show a welcome/rules screen when players connect to the server.
- Option to play killing spree sounds (numbers of kills for each sound can be customized).
- New tool to move around objectives in the maps to "fix" balance issues or just have fun to bring new like to the maps.
- Option to enable additional sniper zooms levels controlled by new bind keys.
- Ability to set the custom map names so a more human name is shown in the next map rotation message.
- New S&D mode where the bomb site where the bomb has been planted is not revealed to the players.
- Option to enable anti dolphin dive.
- Inventory information has been moved to the right side of the screen
- Ability to include the no gun sway fixes directly in the z_openwarfare.iwd.
- Option to control the weapons damage based on distance.
- Ability to disable visual and sound special effects in maps.
- Ability to control how many additional grenades players using the Frag Grenade or the Special Grenade perks will receive.
- Option to tweak last stand so the players will need to have a pistol and pistol ammo on their inventory to successfully go into last stand mode.
- Ability to show current objectives (with their distance) in the mini-compass.
- Option to show in the scoreboard who is carrying the bomb in Sabotage or S&D.
- Option to disabled enemies from showing in the compass during Sabotage sudden death.
- Ability to give a team a bonus of 5 points per flag in Domination when all the flags have been secured and hold for certain time.
- Ability to run Clan vs. All games.
- Ability to disable the INTEL message during the map load screen.
- Option to set the players' speed dynamically based on the equipment being carried.
- Option where players will drop their current weapon when hit on the arms.
- Option to enable a shift on the player's view when hit.
- Ability to enable extended obituaries to display hit location and attacker distance (distance can be displayed in meters, yards, or both).
Ability to call timeouts in the middle of the round (can be set that just certain players have this ability when enabled).
- Option to force players to fall to the ground (or crouch in case prone is blocked) when hit on the legs.
- New option to handle team killers with different punishments.
- Ability to control the Sabotage KILL icon to appear after certain time or if the player carrying the bomb doesn't move a minimum distance for certain amount of time.
- Option to prevent scores from showing until the end of the game.
- New routine to control players sprinting with an option to setup how long it will take to the player to recover "sprint seconds".
- Ability to disable perks in ranked mode. If a player selects a class using a disabled perk then that perk will be taken away from the player when spawning.
- Option to disable all chat during the duration of the game.
- Option to affect players' aim after they stop sprinting.
- Run & Gun functionality where damage is reduced if the player is not using the weapon sights. Damage reduction is based on distance.
- Ability to enable bleeding where damaged players can bleed out if they don't take care of their wounds (bleeding rate can be modified). Damage from falls will not cause bleeding.
- Option to enable weapon jams where weapons can stop firing at certain point and the player needs to clear the jam.
- Unreal first blood and headshot sounds.
- Ability to delete a player's explosive (Satchels and Bettys) on death instead on spawn.
- Ability to control the display of obituaries (don't show, show them all, or just show teamkills).
- Option to deactivate the XP points gained in non-hardcore mode.
- Option to disable the center obituary (you kille/were killed by) messages
- Ability to bypass the 1024 characters limit on map rotations.
- Ability to enable random map rotation
- Ability to enable random gametypes rotation.
- Added new variable to control the compass (showing North, South, West, East) that was forced upon players in previous versions.
- Ability to delay the use of artillery strikes and dogs at the beginning if the round when the player has obtained those hardpoints in the previous round.
- Ability to pick up bettys, satchels, bazookas, frag grenades, smoke grenades, flares, sticky grenades, molotovs, and tabun gas grenades from fallen soldiers.
- Power rank mode. With power rank mode a player will be promoted to level 65 as soon as they connect to the server unlocking all their weapons. Special attachments will also be automatically unlocked.
- Scorebot to know the status of the game (current round, total rounds, round score limit, round time limit, teams scores, players in each team and their scores, etc) from an external application.
- New bind key to drop the bomb.
- Prestige mode. Players will be able to rank up level 95 (66 to 95 are prestige levels).
- Next map rotating message that shows the players what's the next map and gametype in the rotation. This feature uses 100}5 localized strings so it doesn't need any translation at all.
- Option to delay the use of frag grenades, special grenades, satchels, bettyes, bazookas, and grenade launchers at the beginning of each round (option to delay the assignment of explosives every time the player spawns or just at the beginning of the round).
- Option to disable the announcer in the game ( "We got the bomb", "Time is running out", etc).
- Option to disable the auto-melee that makes a player move towards the enemy when bashing the knife.
- Option to disable the showing of the bomb when planting a bomb in S&D or Sabotage.
- Option to enable a sound when starting to plant the bomb in S&D or Sabotage.
- Option to force a team switch at halftime. Instead of switching sides, it switches the teams.
- Option to remove stationary machine guns from the map.
- Option to enable friendly fire for Bettys.
- Option to disable faction icon on Bettys (does not affect Bomb Squad perk).
- Option to always show the minimap in hardcore mode.
- Option to disable 3D icons (icons that are shown to the players indicating the location of objectives like DEFEND, CAPTURE, etc.
- Option to disable the enemies from showing in the minimap when firing a non*silenced weapon.
- Option to show a healthbar for the player (different icons will be shown depending on the player's faction).
- Option to enable ready-up period at the beginning of each match.
- Option to enable the ready up period after player switch sides on a match with round switch enabled.
- Option to disable the players' weapons during the ready up periods so they stop goofing around and ready up!
- Option to enable strategy time at the beginning of each round.
- Support for Marshals that can spectate in freelook mode during matches.
- Support for rulesets for league matches.
- Option to delay sprinting at the beginning of each round for certain amount of time.
- Option to disarm/retrieve explosive devices (Bettys and Satchel charges).
- Option to allow certain players (via GUID) to free spectate no matter what the spectate type is for the rest of the players (this can be used by high rank admins or a judge role during a match).
- Option to enable scream sounds when someone dies (no sound is made when the person gets shot in the head though!).
- Option to disable the enemy tag names.
- Option to disable friendly tag names.
- Option to disable the death icons in non-hardcore.
- Option to disable the grenade indicator in non*hardcore.
- Option to disable mantle hint in non-hardcore.
- Option to disable the red cross hairs in non-hardcore.
- Option to show the inventory in hardcore (Bettys, Satchels, Radar/Artillery/Dogs, grenades, special grenades).
- Option to disable the player status on the scoreboard (you can't see if a player is dead or not).
- Option to enable team status (this can be done for only the player's team or both teams).
- Option to manually change the time the game checks for team balancing issues (stock is 59 seconds).
- Option to change the time it takes for the server to re-balance the teams once an unbalance is detected (stock is 15 seconds).
- Option to disable the message about the server going to auto balance the teams.
- Option to set idle timeout parameters to handle AFK players.
Players can see who is talking using in-game voice even in hardcore mode
- Option to save the current server (as long as it's not a local server) to the favorite list.
- Spawn protection based on time. It gets automatically disabled if the protected player fires a gun, uses the knife, or throws any type of grenade.
- Spawn protection hit icon, a player shooting a protected player receives a hit icon feedback indicating that such player is being spawn protected.
- Option to disable hit icons from direct hits, through walls, or both.
- Option to disable the Juggernaut feedback icon.
- Option to move progress bars (capturing/destroying HQs, planting bombs, etc) to the bottom of the screen so it's not in the middle.
- Option to adjust fall damage height.
- Option to force auto assign so players can't pick a certain team.
- New health regeneration method that it's more progressive based on time.
- Option to disable the pain sounds.
- Option to set the health amount.
- Option to enable blood splatters when taking damage.
- Option to enable headshot blood splatter feedback.
- Option to enable knife blood splatter feedback.
- Option to enable anti bunny-hopping.Option where the players' aim will shift instead of disabling their weapons. Weapons are not disabled when anti-bunny hopping is enabled and the player's current weapon is a Satchel or a Betty. Extended anti bunny-hopping functionality for alternate behavior where the weapons are lowered only when the player jumps continuously.
- Option to disable the KILL icon and icons on the minimaps for the bomb carrier in Sabotage.
- Option to disable the flashing of the icons in Headquarters.
- Option to disable the flashing of the icons and the announcer in Domination when losing a flag.
- Option to disable hardpoints (Radar, Artillery, Dogs)
- Option to remove hardpoints upon death (if you get a hardpoint before you die you won't have that hardpoint when you spawn next time)
- Option to cycle hardpoints without dying. Let's say you set to have hardpoint like in stock, if you don't die to will get the following hardpoints at the following kill streaks 3=Radar, 5=Artillery, 7=Dogs, 10=Radar, 12=Artillery, 14=Dogs, 17=Radar, etc.
- Option to change the number of kill streaks to get a hardpoint.
- Option to change the life spam of the Radar.
- Option to disable the announcer telling the enemy the Radar is going online.
- Option to set an interval (in seconds) between artillery strikes for the same team. For example, set this to 90 and each team will only be allowed to use artillery airstrikes every 90 seconds.
- Option to disable the announcer telling the enemy an artillery strike is coming.
- Option to disable artillery strike kills count toward the kill streak.
- Option to set an interval (in seconds) between dogs for the same team. For example, set this to 90 and each team will only be allowed to use dogs every 90 seconds.
- Option to disable the announcer telling the enemy dogs are coming.
- Option to disable dog kills count toward the kill streak.
- Option to setup messages that rotate in the server (no limitation of number of messages).
- Option to setup banner messages on the bottom of the screen that rotate in the server (no limitation of number of banners).
- Option to check for frag grenades for Martyrdom. A player using the Martyrdom perk needs to have at least one frag grenade left in their inventory for Martyrdom to work at the time of their death.
- Options to control which options under voting should be enabled/disabled.

Hört sich net schlecht an!!!!!!!!!!
Sobald ich es einbinden kann wird es angetestet!

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Autor RE: OpenWarfare 1.4.0.BETA1 für CoD:WW

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Beiträge: 1193
Ort: 92439
Eingetreten: 13.05.07
Eingetragen um 19-12-2008 12:10
So er läuft ^^

Wir haben hiermit einen Geilen Mod für COD:WW!smiley
Habe ihn heute schon mal angespielt, und muss schon sagen wau.
Sobald ich alle Einstellungen drin habe, werde ich ihn anschalten!

Im groben und ganzen läuft er, und jederzeit (wenn keiner COD4 zoggt) angeschalten werden. Kleinigkeiten müssen noch konfiguriert werden.



Bearbeitet von WickerMan auf 19-12-2008 18:11
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22/04/2024 19:15
nicht wundern ... handy im ar... whats derzeit nix gehen ... warte uff neues phone

20/04/2024 11:42
alles gute delta

03/04/2024 05:51
alles gute data

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jakeener jeburtstag diesen nächsten monat... watt hier los

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haapy bürthdäy x

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